Friday, July 15, 2005

I Have An Idea! (Part I)

Starting next week, I'm going to part-take in the random analysis of randomly selected women on DePaul's Facebook website and have a subjective "Hot or Not" by three random men from Facebook as well as a way to make this website kosher to those of "Reality" television programming, those similar, popular websites, and tasteful AIM popup section when you first sign-on.

What do you think of them apples? If I can't get three random men then I'll just give them my call. I'll probably get slapped in the face whenever I'll walk to class, but hey, I think I'm doing a service to a few women here and there. Seriously, if their hot, then i'm only just reassuring them and boosting her self-esteem. If they're not hot, then maybe they'll get plastic surgery or hopefully peg them down a notch from their pedestals. Hey, they laughed at Picasso, da Vinci, and Andy Kaufman. And now, they call them artists.

Hey, i'm an artist!

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