Friday, September 30, 2005

Greatest Chinese Export

Besides money and immigrants, it's ginseng. Yes, the small miracle herb/plant with medicinal qualities. It has been used by both American Indians and the Chinese for cures, health, and preventative actions for these people. That's pretty interesting with a large body of ocean separating the two.

Did you know that the North American ginseng trade dates back to the time of frontiersmen such as Daniel Boone, who made more money selling the herb than trapping furs. Folks, Daniel Boone was a friend of the Chinese. I'm sorry to say it, but it's the truth. So with this year's ethic draft, we'll take Wu-Tang Clan with our first round pick, Daniel Boone with our second round pick, and finally in our third round selection...Chris Rock.

Unfortunately we might have do a three way trade with the blacks and whites, where Chris would be returned to the black and Derek Jeter's is claimed by the whites, in exchange for Elvis. Us crazy Asians love karaoke and Elvis.

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