Okay, here me out. Big companies wants to pocket a lot of money. Clear? Who wouldn't? So the question is why do companies want to pocket money from the Capitol? Symptoms? Lobbyiest, Robber-Barons, and such. Corporate greed. Arthur Anderson to Enron to WorldCom. So, what is the root cause?
People want money, but why would a CEO or President want to pocket so much money? Greed is clearly evident, but why is it at Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Adelphia, and Halliburton? My reasoning is opportunity and demand. People need gas, phone lines, cable tv, security, and peace. People will pay for it. It's the greatest quick-rich scheme ever. People need to drive their cars to work. People need to heat their houses. There is a demand.
Yes, in a certain way I am defending the big oil companies. They're not the hogs of Washington. Just look at you and me. When I say you and me, I'm talking about your cousin in China, Africa, Brazil, and Soviet Russia where car drives you. We live in a colossus global economy and a very demanding environment. I'm almost finishing reading the book Collapse by Jared Diamond. The book defines the impact of human existance in respect to local and global economies and environment. Face it. Gas prices will continue to sky rocket. You know why? Because births are exceeding deaths. We have more mouths to feed, and some of our mouths have silver spoons in them.
The 5 cent hot dog at the local drive-in theater has to feed more mouths these days. That's why they're $5.00 at the local AMC. I'm taking a hard look at the world. We're simply consuming too much than that's replaceable. I'm talking about the trees in the Amazon, the water ways near the Three Gorges Dam, overfishing in every part of this earth, and the other detrimental effects of humans on our precious ecosystem.
So don't blame the oil companies if they want to pocket mega-million deals in Washington for building oil refineraries in your back yard. We need to drive our Hummers you know, and if every people wants a Hummer, Porsche, or an Escalade with 20 inch dubs then whose going to fill it up? Don't blame drug companies for wanting to inflat prices up on new drugs. You know how expensive approval and liability insurances are? I don't really know much about the drug world, but I know regulatory processes are long and agonizing. There are complex sides to every story, compliant, and pamphlet. I don't really care if you take a particular side or not, but think about it, there always are. Unfortunately I like to eat chicken, so are you going to defend the innocent chickens?
I would like to mention that tact is for me the issue. I'm an ethical man. I know the money that corporations receive do not all go to R & D, or their needed channels. I'm really upset to hear about the corporate spending and irresponsbility. I'm really upset about the sex party that Fred Smoot and the Minnesota Viking players were involved in this past Thursday. Yes, sinning is easier than doing the right thing. I digress. I don't want to see our environment or ecosystem damaged. I love Mother Earth. In fact we've hooked up several times. She provides the air I breath, the water I drinking, and the soft green grass I need to walk on when it's 3am, I'm coming home from the bars, and I'm too drunk to walk and I fall down.
So corporate raiding is okay, as long as no orgies, parties at Chanel and Louis Vuitton, or consuming a gallon of milk in under a hour are involved. Excess, that's what's all it about baby. Sorry Dick Vitel, but truely, mind the gaps. Drug, Oil, and Airline companies need your money. Frankly, they need it. I don't know if a double standard is involved or not, but i'm willing to pay for it. Just not for Ted, Mr. Ringas, Ken Lay, or any other unethical greedy bastard. That's my two cents, but because of inflation I can say your getting two dollars worth. So continue to save the world, walk don't drive, don't pee in the public pool, buy recycled paper, and drink water from the tap, because its your local Evian source.
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